Central's Picture Page #3
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Al Coleman sends us this picture. This has GOT to be one of the finest
XS650's I
have ever seen.
The image here does not do it justice.
WOW AL! Send more pix!
Here's a 78 Econo-Model from "Ratbike
Dan" in Jersey!
George Runge Jr.'s 1978 Special that he has
owned since day it was new!
Bill Brunet's $500.00 1981 model, a
Look what James Golder got for FREE! A 77
"D" model!
Where do I get one James?
Matts 1972 Hard Tail. Built in 3 months time. NICE!
Randy Christian's 83 Heritage.
Phil Fields $200.00 1981 Special 2.
How did I miss this deal?
Sturla Lauvrak from Norway sends this pic.
Nice tank emblem Sturla!
The 1972 that became Roderick Hendrickson's
bike. WOW!
Katy Bar the Door!
Just LOOK at what Carsten Schweizer sends us from North Germany!
one is from Harri Hvistjo....VERY tasty looking bike Harri!
Bill Capps of Oceanside, Ca sends these pix of
his 1981 custom XS650.
Send us your BMP, GIF or JPG
or snail mail your pictures to:
650 Central
270 N. Market St. Box 592
Shreve, OH 44676